Wednesday, October 10, 2007

New York Cityscape - A speck of stardust

Everyday as I walked across the street and turned into broadway, I would see this diner and every day I would catch sight of its caption 'singing waitstaff' and everytime I read it I promised to go in someday. After what seemed like a dozen such promises, on a lazy jobless night I dropped in.

Warm lighting, music memorablia, old gramaphone records and waiters and waitress who sing and give you an evening of food and music. It was quite an entertainment to watch their antics and see musicals almost played out in front of you on tables for a stage and anything handy for props. And since, i ended up not seeing a proper musical, this was the closest to Brodaway i got!

Ellen's Stardust with Singing Waitstaff


Anil P said...

I would've loved to see pictures of their antics :)

Ms.N said...

hehe - well, they all came out shaken. will see if i can fix any and put it up!