Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Where dreams come true - Khecheoplari

I have been browsing my usual blog roll, and surprisingly, there seem to be very few posts dedicated to the New Year. Though not surprised, I have to say I am disappointed. It’s kind of nice to know what everyone is looking forward to as one ushers in a new year.

For me, 2007 was the year I discovered nostalgia. Not the nice reminiscence which fills ones being with warmth and happiness, but rather an yearning to go back into the past, and holding you back from enjoying the present and taking steps into the future. I have spent way too much time this year looking back. As a friend says, ‘Its too early to start looking back. More than that, to start going back. Save that for your 60’s’ – I most definitely should and will!

Anyway, it seems significant that three days shy of new years eve, we landed up in Khecheopalri Lake (Sikkim) - the significance being that this lake is considered as a “wishing lake” by the Buddhist - and the timing perfect for new wishes and resolutions. In front of the lake, is a room where people can light lamps to voice their prayers. Though not really a believer of such rites, we still liked the idea of lighting lamps as symbolic way to give fire to your dreams. So, we each lit a lamp. And I do hope all dreams, whether wished then or ever does come true!

For a year better than the last,
for new authors and books, who have so far taken me to places I could never be,
for friends, who make all the difference in this world and to this world
for new meetings, who add colour and a different perspective to life
for changes to keep me on my toes,
for new things, most importantly happy things,
and for all those wishes buried deep inside, and meant only for each of us!


Meera said...

Happy New year and may all your 'dreams' come true. Good luck and god bless ;-))

Ms.N said...

thanks dee... God Bless??? :D :D!