Thursday, December 30, 2010

An evening in Deobagh

At around five, when N (the younger N) and I headed out for a walk, the previously deserted beach (but for the odd dog), was starting to bustle. The boats were back after a day in the sea. Some fishermen were drawing their nets out from the sea and laying them to dry. Others had laid out their catch from the day and were sorting through it. Some women were waiting with their baskets – probably for the market for the next day? Two eagles were also bidding their time, circling overhead and repeatedly swooping low in a kind of duet for a chance to flick a fish or 2 from the piles. A few local children were playing on the beach, chasing a hoop with a stick. There was the odd tourist family as well.

As the sun turned pink, the spoils of the day were divided, and the crowd separated slowly… I expected them to have all retired to their homes but was surprised to see several boats making their way into the sea once again. A second fishing expedition? Possibly. Much later in the night, I could see lights from the boats twinkling from the dark depths in an otherwise starlit night.

It was just another day on Deobagh

The Deobagh beach

Fishermen pulling out the nets

Laying it out to dry

The impromptu fish market on the beach

Women waiting for their share

Some kids on the beach

Bring 'em home

A lone one out at sea


Meena Venkataraman said...

Beautiful Pictures Neeraja.
I loved the sense of drama and action which you have beautifully captured in all of them.

Anonymous said...

Amazing photos! I especially loved the first and third ...

Nisha said...

I had a similar experience in Velneshwar... only difference was men not women. :)

Ms.N said...

thanks everyone!

@Nisha... Oh, nice... though i thought women ran the shop, men did the fishing... btw, haven't heard of Velneshwar till now.. need to look up.

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