Saturday, April 02, 2011

Falling in love...all over again...

The sun was burning down in all its mid-day August glory ... one of those hot scorching days when the heat lies about like a thick cloak, like something you can feel, and if you move your finger in a slicing motion, you can feel the air molecules actually rearrange themselves... only it was an air-conditioned car, but in your head, you could still feel the hear. The mood was was a long day and an even longer journey, beginning the mid-night before... a sleepless train ride and a long car journey there after... the silence was heavy, weighed down by sulks and the aftertaste of a tiff... the industrial highways of Italy overshadowing the distant hills, raising doubts and offering no respite.

And all it took was a single breathtaking view!

It was like falling in love all over again...

Falling slowly, eyes that know me
And I can't go back
Moods that take me and erase me
And I'm painted black

Our own farmhouse apartment for a few days

The view from the window

Our backyard...


Abhijit said...

Beautiful pics!

Where is this place? :)

Ms.N said...

thanks Abhijit! This is close to Pienza, Tuscany.... we stayed in a farmhouse away from the city...

Siddhartha Joshi said...

Your backyard is absolutely stunning...lovely snap :)

Neeraj said...

Hi, nice pictures!
can you give some idea about the costs?

Ms.N said...

@SJ thanks! did you roam around in this part of the country on your trip?

@Neeraj... happy to!!! are you looking for purely Tuscany or ..? I was going to do a whole FAQ post anyways. if you need it earlier, can drop u an email.

Siddhartha Joshi said...

Sadly I did not...but I certainly will, when I have much more money to splurge :)

H.S. said...

'And all it took was a single breathtaking view' - I hear you! :)

Anil P said...

What a lovely view from the window. It must fill the heart with calm.

As for "aftertaste of a tiff", well, I hope someone can offer it on the menu :-)

Nisha said...

What a lovely view ! Could you go on a walk? :)

Waiting for your FAQ post.

Diffusers said...

Great Pics...... In place like this one will surely fall in love all over again.....

Ms.N said...

@ Anil.. ha ha, off all things to wish for on a menu!

@Nisha, yes yes yes... i did go for a long walk to the next town actually!

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