Friday, April 29, 2011

Goodbye seems to be the hardest word...

The sun was streaming through the french windows, stripped bare of the curtains that had adorned them for so long, flooding the whole room in bright light. It felt like the first time I had walked in and fallen in love with the place. There had been a s sense of hope, and of new beginnings. Except, now, on the floors, in the corner, stood my bags. All packed.

This was something I've wanted for a long long long time. Something I wanted like yesterday. Yet, at that final moment, I was in knots...

It was time to move again.

Goodbye Bombay. Hello Singapore!


Meera said...

Change is what keep us going... Heres to a great start in Singapore!!!

Meena Venkataraman said...

From someone who has moved an awful lot ....know just how you feel.... am sure you will have fun in Singapore...good luck :)

NN said...

I couldn't find a like button, hence this comment :) i guess i'll miss bombay too now..

Anil P said...

Is the Goodbye to Bombay for good? There's a finality in that word.

Still, wish you all the best for the new place.

Ms.N said...

@ Anil, for the moment, yes. Never say never is what I've learnt... but until then, will follow the city through your and other fellow bloggers posts.

Ms.N said...

@ Meera... i agree, and a much needed change too.

@Meena, thanks and so far having fun!

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