Sunday, June 12, 2011

I was just rushing through Little India to a Spanish Tapas bar... 8PM on a Thursday evening . And somewhere along the way, I suddenly had this moment (yes, I have many of these ‘eureka’ moments in arbitrary places!), a revelation. I had actually managed to put in close to a 12-hour efficient work day, and then was also heading out to meet a bohemian mix of friends, and travellers for the next couple of hours. In that moment I was taking stock of how the pace of my life had changed (yes, in my past life, fun stuff on a work day was rarer than a blue moon and weekend used to be about recouping energy, although I had begun to reclaim life with this new year...) and I swear it was making me heady. And I was loving it.

So yes, its been 6 week since I have moved to Singapore, and its been frantic, hectic, and a little breathless. I feel like I may have already done a year’s worth of things (in my lazy alter ego’s scale of time). There has been work, but also different things going on at work, and meeting new people, and a lot of going out. And in all this, the drama of finding a house and settling in! I feel like I am running a bit short on sleep and more on adrenalin, but all in all a good problem to have, as long as it lasts.

From my office

So here is how my moving-to-Singapore-first-2-months checklist looks like -

1) Get obsessive and search for the so called ‘perfect’ house where I may not spend too much time, and over pay for the same ...check and done to perfection!

2) Move in, settle down... WIP still. Already had a washer emergency (aka, didn’t-know-how- to-use-washing-machine-and-flooded-the -place). Looking desperately for maid service before my perfect house becomes not so perfect, and need to find tons of things that I can’t remember. Like my agent says, by the time I am all settled, it will probably be time to move!

3) Get work started... check.

4) More importantly, remember work isn’t everything... trying really hard, work in progress.

5) Meet new and diverse people... Yes, you got it right, I actually put it down on my to-do list! I now know more people who are happy to check out some crazy heritage trail, but not who want to watch hangover-2. Working on this! And yes, if you are in Singapore, and a fellow blogger/travel enthusiast, holler. But please don't be a crazy stalker!

6) Find things to do other than work.... check, and doing it quite well.
Checked out the Mac Ritchie trail, Frisbee games in the garden, a musical, Macbeth in the park, the esplanade, wakeboarding (my bones still hurting me from this one)...

7) Travel.... WIP. A lot of plans, and a lot of opportunities and also some company (yeay)!!! So looking forward to plenty of trips. For now, have tickets to Borneo in July to see the rainforest music festival ( So yeay!

And what perfect time to talk about these 2 books on 2 women who move to more foreign lands and their experiences?

Me, Myself and Prague... Reading this book was like reliving my 1 week in Prague and Czech. Not only did I love some of her tips (to check out for a next trip), and her humor, but I could totally relate to the travails of moving to a new city (especially if you are single and may not have friends and family in that place) and trying to figure it out and just get a life really, (a good one at that). Loved it!!!

To Hellas and back... for all those of romantics who fantasize about a new life in a new land, this book is a reality check. The author has a tough time in Greece, and although, to a large extent it seems to be her fault as she doesn't making much of an effort to get out there and brave changes, but still another point of view – are you one of those who can really adapt to a new country, new ways?

The view of the River front and promenade, and the Marina Bay Sands hotel - Singapore's newest landmark!


Anonymous said...

are you telling me i need to move to singapore? glad things are working out well, just hello : )

Anonymous said...

oops that was me


Ms.N said...

@sirisha... Most definitely recommend singapore. That BTW was going to be my next post too.... :)

Meena Venkataraman said...

Wow..Welcome back...
seems like you've had a lot of fun in the past few weeks.. Might hop across to Singapore when we visit India..not sure yet... will give you a shout if we are :)

Ms.N said...

@meena... yes definitely a few fun weeks. always recommend a change in city - gets you enthusiastic opnce again abt going back to square one and trying new things etc etc. And yes, let me know if you are here!!!!

Nisha said...

Oh, the night shots ! :)

I stll don't know which place I would like spend rest of my life. :(

Ms.N said...

@ Nisha, that's a good thing I think... leaves a world of possiblities and options open.

Anil P said...

The skyline looks quiet, like most things do when seen from above or from a distance.

What's it like on the street?

You might as well etch "work isn’t everything" in stone and hang it over the table. No phrase is as important or truer or necessary.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hope you're enjoying Singapore! As a former local of Mumbai, perhaps you know if there's any place in the city that rents out apartments temporarily (1-2 months) to travelers? Or maybe any website where one can look for rental apartments (not luxury rentals or expensive)?



Ms.N said...

@Anil P, haha... yes i shd do that.

the streets are crowded, and in the evenings can definitely see the office buildings becoming deserted, and people moving towards bars, restaurants... not comparable to India though! Sis, who was here, found the city very quiet, something that hadn't struck me!

Ms.N said...

@Elise... drop me a line? may be i can give some ideas. but 1-2 months may be through paying guest type accommodation i think.

S.. Diva said...

Welcome to Singapore ! I am not too old in Singers and noting your point 5, not to diverse either (am Indian). I am definitely not a stalker. but i am around if you need company for the Spanish Tapas bar next time


Ms.N said...

@Sneo, thanks for stopping by and more so reaching out. :). haha -
Diverse hopefully also meant 'in thought' and 'interests' , but may be I did allude to countries/ origin too... :)

havent been back to the tapas bar, but may be we could get coffee? will drop you a line!